Apple Watch’s ECG feature is already proving it’s worth


Yesterday, a person on Reddit shared that Apple Watch notified them about abnormal heart rate. Because of that, he ran the ECG app and he found out it was atrial fibrillation…

They then went to the urgent care and saw a doctor who said to them: “You should buy Apple stock. This probably saved you. I read about this last night and thought we would see an upswing this week. I didn’t expect it first thing this morning.”

The patient says they proceeded to a cardiologist the next day, who made an examination and confirmed Atrial Fibrillation diagnosis.

“I’m scheduled to go back in a week for some additional tests to start looking at the cause… blood, thyroid, etc…,” they wrote. “He also scheduled me with a partner who specializes more in the electrical side of things to have it looked from that angle as well.”


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